FARA supports vulnerable children

Vulnerable children

A loving and supportive family life for vulnerable and neglected children.

Research has shown that when children grow up outside a family environment their chances to develop to their full potential drop. Most children in state care are not orphans, they have living parents but due to circumstances have been unable to support their child.

Romania has one of the largest alternative care systems in the EU

with over 56,000 children receiving some form of support. Of these children approximately 18,000 are in foster care, 13,900 in kinship care, 4,800 with other families and 18,500 in state-run institutions. (figures from Romanian Government and Unicef study)

Children need love and protection to flourish and grow

For every three months a child under the age of three spends in an institution, their physical development is delayed by one month and there is a risk to cognitive and language development. - Unicef

Child with flowers

Time to flourish

“When I came to St Nicholas’s Home, I could barely read and write at age 8, I felt I had no family, support, structure or care around me. The people at the home have helped me rebuild ties with my biological family, make friends, get up to date with my education, to the point where I am now excited about high school and recently won a prize at the school gala. Here I can participate in theatre, music, painting, and riding lessons. I have visited the seaside, the mountains, taken part in summer schools and am learning to be involved in life, even throughout the pandemic where we have been helped to stay safe and healthy.”

Ioana, 14.

Ioana’s story is true, but her name has been changed to protect her identity.

FARA Family Homes have helped over 70 children grow and embark on new lives

For £25 you can support a child for a day at one of our Family Homes-bringing a sense of life, optimism and future.

FARA Foundation is my family! Here I have found love and dedication. Growing up at St Nicolas Home, I have understood what family, humanity and love mean. FARA, for me is the family that has educated me, and I will always be grateful – because without this input I would probably have been completely lost and without the chance of education.
Dana (ex-resident at St Nicolas)

How We Help

A Loving and supportive Family life for Vulnerable and Neglected children

FARA is one of very few NGO service providers offering an alternative to state care and with minimum government funding. Our children’s homes are recognised as models of care giving a “family for those without”. St Nicholas, our current home can accommodate twelve children and a further 3 students.

FARA provides a caring and loving family life for children over the age of 3. At the age of 18 they start to move towards a more independent life, choosing to continue as students at university and staying in the FARA home until their mid-twenties. Once beyond school, our support can continue with accessing employment and training. The Family ethos extends beyond a child’s stay with us into the rest of their life – we continue as a caring and involved reference point for them. In some cases FARA is able to mediate and support the child’s return to their biological family.

The many children cared for at FARA’s two children’s homes over the last twenty years have stayed in contact knowing they can always ask for help and support throughout their life. They really feel part of a big family, several of our adult children now work for FARA.

Key stats

  • 3


    For every 3 months a child under the age of 3 spends in an institution, their physical development is delayed by 1 month and there is a risk to cognitive and language development. Source: Unicef

  • 70+


    More than 70 children have been helped by FARA Family Homes to grow and embark on new lives.

  • £20

    For meals

    As little as £20 pays for a child's food for a whole week.

FARA also helps...

Youth at risk

Independent life and work skills for institutionalised and at-risk youth

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