FARA Strategy 2024-2026

Our next three years as an organisation will be one of consolidation and growth as we continue to support Fundația FARA to deliver with excellence, using the funds raised through our shops and from our supporters within the UK, while building a thriving and well-supported and sustainable UK workforce.

To do this, we will have three key strategic focus areas: Programmes; Public Engagement and People, each of which will have an overarching goal, as outlined below.




We will supportFundația Fara to deliver effective services to the most vulnerable children, young people, adults and families within Romania, developing our relationship with them to ensure it is effective, professional and sustainable.

We aim to:

  • Continue funding Fundația FARA to support the delivery of our shared goals in an impactful and effective manner, through the core programmes. While also enhancing and deepening our commitment to community integration and sustainability
  • Support Fundația FARA expanding work, including advocacy, together by reviewing the impact and evolving needs and developing joint fundraising propositions where needed
  • Sustain the ongoing development of the professional, respectful relationship between funding and delivery through agreed processes and plans, including the Partnership Agreement
  • Build collaboration between UK and Romanian teams to enable promotional work and skills-sharing opportunities
  • Develop an understanding of the Romanian environment and operating context to support the work of Fundația FARA better, deepening understanding of the policy, social, economic, funding and cultural factors in Romania.




We will consolidate and grow the contributions from the retail operations to ensure its continued adaptation, success and resilience while also looking to diversify our income base by increasing our public profile and community engagement.

  • Raise awareness of the FARA brand and build awareness of and engagement with our work among target audiences
  • Ensure the resilience and success of our retail business, create and aspire towards the delivery of the FARA model shop and be consistently looking for development opportunities
  • Build sustainability into our DNA, setting and delivering achievable targets to improve our sustainability credentials including exit routes of stock
  • Develop and deliver a fundraising strategy that is commensurate with the needs of work in Romania
  • Develop and deliver a public relations and advocacy strategy that commensurate with the needs of work in Romania
  • Build and develop community engagement work both to support shops in the delivery of community projects and increase engagement with UK-based Romanian communities.



3.    PEOPLE

We will cultivate a thriving and productive workforce, supported by valuable and professional governance, united under shared values, vision, and mission.

  • Grow and invest in a diverse, inclusive and engaged FARA workforce that embodies the FARA values
  • Ensure every staff member understands and is supported to confidently deliver their role to a high standard
  • Meet best practice employer standards and become an employer of choice
  • Raise awareness of FARA work in Romania across the UK-based workforce
  • Develop a strong and committed volunteer base
  • Build the Board’s professionalism and meet charity governance best practice